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Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Update

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul ministry: In 2023, with the generosity of parishioners, 182 home visits were conducted to provide food ($13,735) and clothing ($8,647). There were 113 separate families helped, consisting of 217 adults and 257 children. Fifteen children were provided new boots through our Children's Winter Boots program, sponsored by our Knight of Columbus Council. Our Parish Christmas Hamper program assisted 49 families with support from the Catholic Women's League and other parishioners (over $4,350 of assistance was provided). An SSVP truck collected clothing and household items for the Merivale store in the spring. The parish provided Amazon returned items, which were shared and helpful to several families. Through our SSVP Seeds of Hope program, we informed 40 families of the Canada Learning Bond for children. Two families are being helped with monthly Food Bank deliveries. Parishioners supported the Catch the Ace lottery, raising funds to provide safe, secure and affordable housing to Indigenous families in The Dream project in LeBreton Flats. Our ministry also assisted in out-of-parish boundary visits and their administration.