Prayer Prayer Ministries
Ministries of Prayer and Intercession

Prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God. - St. Teresa of Avila

"Lord, teach us to pray" - Luke 11:1

Listed here are some of the prayer opportunities at St. Maurice parish. Whether individually or in groups, there are many ways to pray.  Questions or suggestions can be made to the contacts indicated or in general to

Praise and Worship: Surge!

Come out at 7pm, on the second Friday of the month to encounter Jesus through Eucharistic Adoration, praise and worship, confession and prayer ministry!

We are interested in new people, particularly in volunteers as greeters and hospitality.

Surge Chris and Sierra


We pray in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.

Please join us for adoration within the Church.  Every parishioner is encouraged to attend adoration.  Adoration is available Tuesday 6AM-7PM, Wednesday  and Thursday 6 am - 4 pm  Friday 6 am to 9 special overnight vigils held on Marian feasts. Committed adores are needed for certain days and hours.  

Adoration Fr. Lawrence

Rosary before Mass

The Rosary is said before every weekday Mass.  Prayer starts at 6:30 PM Tuesdays and 8:30 AM Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, to finish 10 minutes before the Mass. 



Unbound is a prayer ministry based on the book of that name by Neil Lozano.  Two trained ministers pray with a person during a session for release and healing. To help in this ministry, we are looking for persons who are prayerful, open to the work of the Holy Spirit, and  interested in working in a healing ministry. Training is required.  



Tuesday Night Holy Hour

Following the weekly Tuesday Mass at 7 p.m., there is a holy hour when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed and there is the opportunity to go to confession.  The evening ends around 8:30 with benediction.  All are welcome.

The intentions and petitions of parishoners are collected and presented in a small box at the foot of the altar.  To provide an intention or for more information, please contact
Lucy Pagliaro: 613-225-1694

Holy Hour

Votive Candles

Lighting a candle for someone is a way to both extend your prayers and show solidarity with the person the prayer is being made for.  The faithful also light candles as a sign of gratitude to God for answered prayers.  Votive candles are located in the church and may be lit before or after Masses.  The candle ministry looks after cleaning and replacing the candles and area. 


La Pieta

La Pieta is a Marian prayer group of dedicated parishioners who meet Wednesday evenings at a member’s home from 7 to 9 p.m. for prayer and fellowship. The members also participate in several special parish events such as evening prayer on New Year’s Eve and overnight vigils before Mary’s birthday, Sept. 7 and the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Dec. 8.

For more information contact George or Shirley Nedoborski 613-225-6529

La Pieta

Legion of Mary

Legion of Mary members provide prayer support for fellow parishioners and those in long term care by organizing liturgies, praying with people, and leading in worship songs.  We teach students in primary grades how to pray the rosary and how we can grow in our faith through daily prayer and meditation on the mysteries. We organize and/or assist in organizing retreats, days of reflection, study days for our auxiliary members and the wider community in the hope of reaching out and offering opportunity to grow in our faith. As we work together, we form a family bond of support as we discover and use our God given gifts to serve Our Lord in various way and be a contributing part of a caring and active community. Auxiliary members provide prayer support.

Contact Johanne Walsh  613-255-5831

Legion of Mary

Legion of Mary