Ministries Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts Ministry

Enter into the Upper Room with the St. Maurice Parish Spiritual Gifts ministry, where we will guide you in your discernment of the gifts that God gave you at confirmation. In what ways is the Holy Spirit calling you to build up the Kingdom of God? What charisms has God entrusted to you to live out here and now?

What are spiritual gifts?

Just like the disciples received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, every one of us receives this outpouring during the sacrament of confirmation. (CCC 1302) Through this outpouring of the Spirit, we each receive spiritual gifts, or charisms, which are meant for us to serve the church with. They are gifts that help us to love our neighbour in ways that are more effective than our natural human abilities.

Just as God has made us each different, so each of us has a different set of gifts from the Holy Spirit. All these different sets of gifts are necessary for the work God wants to achieve in our world. You have a part to play in the Kingdom that no one else can do.

When we identify and grow our gifts, we can work with God to help bring about His will on earth. Living out lives of service that use our spiritual gifts will make us feel fulfilled, successful, and centred in who God created us to be. If you have ever felt stressed or burnt out in ministry, perhaps it’s because that ministry wasn’t the right fit for your gifts. 

Through prayer, counsel, and practice, we can discern which gifts we have and how God might be calling us to participate in His work in the world.

Interested in learning more? 

Here are the next opportunities to join a weekend retreat to learn about and begin discerning your charisms:

May 17th & 18th, 2024

St Mary's Parish Hall
100 Young St.

Click here to register!

June 7th & 8th, 2024

Friday, June 7 - 7-9:30 pm
Saturday, June 8 - 9 am-3 pm
St Maurice Parish Atrium

Click here to register

Additional events TBC!

For more information, please contact